Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas, Take One

I am quite lucky to be part of such a large family. With so much of a large family means a number of Christmas celebrations. As a child I recall dreading the car rides from Nana and Tata's to Mimi and Grandpa's to Grammie and Poppy's then back home... All while trying to set up that years must have Polly Pocket, American Girl, Brio train, Lego mansion or Play Mobil hospital set via the back seat of the '85 red Volvo station wagon.
As I get older I cherish these moments spent with my ever growing families. That thirty minute drive does seem longer with out Samantha and Molly belted next to me, but now consists of that major catch up with the folks. With marriage announcements, new babies and other great news every year, it almost seems impossible to top the year prior. Even when all news isn't great, it helps being around the loved ones in your family to help find happiness in the light of it all.
I wish everyone peace and happiness this Christmas, Hanukkah, or which ever spiritual based holiday ones celebrates. Keep believing in what you cherish and take another moment to soak in what is around you. 

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