Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Games...

I was all looking forward to reading the Hunger Games come May 31st on our Honeymoon, but then this darned movie came out!
So... I downloaded the Kindle App on my iPad and am going to do some midnight speed reading,
Heaven knows I won't miss a good girls night tomorrow when all the gals are going to see it!

Speaking of Apps, as you already know I have a slight obsession with Apps...
Someone says, "There's an App for that!", I nod and agree... Because there IS!

I mean for goodness sake I have the Twilight Trivia App on my phone... so with the click of a "screen", there's already like four Hunger Game Apps in the App Store... GO FIGURE.

BRS' friend Mike's company, RadiumOne just created this awesome App called Via.Me that's makes it a cinch to share videos, pictures, etc. via the touch of a button, plus it has awesome ways to filter your photos, hello.awesome.

There's a Mad Men Cocktail Culture App where you can learn and be quizzed on how to make Old Fashioned's, Whiskey Sours, and a Tom Collins... let's just say this has come hand-y!

As you know my favorite App right now is Draw Something, my best friends favorite addiction is Bejeweled, I am obsessed with Hanging with Friends, Words with Friends, Family Feud, The Sims Free Play, Sudoku and Word Warp... 
AND there are a dozen or so fitness Apps for general gym-time, Pilates and yoga, I use them all the time for some added boosts to my work outs

Laying in bed at night went from quality snuggle time watching Sports Center to "hurry-up, it's your turn!" while I play one of the above and BRS reads some Wall Street Journal nonsense (probably shouldn't knock that?)

In any case...  what's taking over this world?

Apps, one at a time...

Now off to read The Hunger Games.





Enjoy your weekend!


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