Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Captain Snuggle Pants

I want Tate to experience everything, like every parent wants. First swim lesson, check! Tumbling, check! Playgroup, check! But where does this end? Holy cow there isn't enough time in the day and most days I just want this:

Tate and I are REALLY good at snuggling, in fact if there were awards for best snuggler in the world, he would come up in second place (after his Momma).
Yes, all those playdates, tumbling sessions, and swim lessons are important however snuggling is the main priority in this household.
We have all the time in the world for those other things, but for now we're working on the nakey-naker, wet kisses, laugh so hard you pee your diaper/pants kinda snugglin'...
Feeling stressed? Stop by and join us!
T and T

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing beautiful pictures of your cute baby. I like it. BTW nice white bedspread.
